

March 20 @ 5:00 pm


Flow Hood River: Yoga Move Connect, Flow Hood River: Yoga Move Connect

Movement Into Meditation

March 20 @ 5:00 pm

This is a free event.

Led by Somatic Therapist, Molly Jaeger, PRT GCFP. Molly has over 15+ years helping people dissolve their stuck pain issues with her unique blend of nervous system based techniques and mindbody movement.

“I feel called to offer a space for my local community to gather together, pause, and have a shared experience of connecting more deeply with their own inner magic.”

For this workshop.

We’ll begin with a short movement practice with some stretching, breathing and relaxation to come into your body with greater ease.

Then there will be a short instruction on the meditation and also easy sitting aligment to help you prepare for the meditation.

Then we’ll do a 20-30 min silent meditation in a circle. The meditation will be focused on supporting access to a deep brain flow state.

We’ll end with a brief sharing of questions, insights or thoughts if people feel moved to speak.

Not essential, but would be helpful if you could Please RSVP to: OR @move2nourish on IG