

March 24 @ 8:00 am


Hood River OR


Become a gorgecurrent Lifesaver!

March 24 @ 8:00 am

Keep us afloat!  ~100 of our ~7,000 regular users have donated to keep us from going under so far – THANK YOU!  If you like what we do, please donate.  Our pockets are empty and we can’t personally keep paying thousands each year to keep the site going.   Please consider a $10-100/year donation.

Our monthly costs include weekly newsletters ($960/yr), webcam re-streaming ($180/yr), software ($450/yr), maintenance ($3000/yr) and security ($50/yr) – not to mention the iceberg of hosting costs ($780/yr). Other costs include state biz registration $50, domain $22/yr.  Be a gorgecurrent lifesaver.  Even a modest $10/year can create long-lasting ripples of impact.

Links to lend a hand through secure square payment:
Yearly donation: support gorgecurrent – (
1-time donation: 1-time donation – (

Thanks for your support.